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The Ticket for Exhibition is an item acquired in Ivor Tower. The player trades an Amulet of Annihilation for one in order to attend a freak show in Ivor Tower Alley.

After attending the show, the booth where the ticker seller was is vacated, but speaking to the stall will prompt the player to buy another ticket as though they were still there. If the player purchases a second ticket, it serves no purpose: it cannot be sold or traded away to anyone else, and will remain in the Pouch for the rest of the game.

It is impossible to soft-lock one's game by having no Amulets of Annihilation to trade for the Ticket, as there are three Amulets in chests throughout the town and a fourth hidden in Ivor Tower South. Hypothetically, the player can only trade away three amulets in Ivor Tower Alley to the armor merchant, leaving them with an Amulet they have no way to dispose of for the Ticket.

Ticket for Exhibition is found in the trade goods tab, but the player can only have a maximum of 1 and it is never used as an actual trade good. It is likely that this item was meant to be a charm, but that the Charm tab lacked space and was therefore moved.

Along with the Souvenir Spoon, it is the only Trade Good that is used to make only one purchase.

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